Pallimed: A Hospice and Palliative Medicine Blog

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Interview with Ms. Abigail Wheeler!

I was very excited to coordinate the "expert interview" with Ms. Wheeler this week. Our class certainly put her through her paces! I was most impressed with her common-sense, practical approach to instructional design. She is responsible for developing and delivering educational content for over 300 sales professionals, and she and her team use a blended approach. They minimize up-front training away from the employee's homes, and maximize the use of technology to continue orientation, and on-going development. She kindly provided insight into her own professional development (industry blogs, webinars, elearning guild, ASTD, learning solutions, Kathy Moore scenario-based learning, UK newsletter) and how she and her team developed bite-sized modules of instruction. I've already gone to several of the websites she recommended and downloaded a significant amount of material, and purchased on app! Thank you Ms. Wheeler!

1 comment:

  1. Lynn, you did a great job hosting the interview. It was very informative and encouraging to know that learning professionals within the e-learning field are using various methods to engage learners, help improve performance, and provide an environment for learners to be responsible for their learning. I am continuously thinking of ways to improve the methods we use to develop learning resources for our internal and external customers. This course and the interviews with our e-learning experts have motivated me to try new tools that I probably wouldn’t think of using within my learning environment.

