Pallimed: A Hospice and Palliative Medicine Blog

Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3, 2013

First post in McPherson Musings!

Where shall I go with this? I only started this blog as a requirement for a course in the master's program in instructional design I'm pursuing. So, should I talk about instructional development content?

Or, I could ramble on for three days straight about my passion - the appropriate use of medications at the end of life. Stop me already!

Or my passion for knitting! We could do a little stitch and bitch right here in the blog!

Clearly this deserves further contemplation! Stay tuned; I'll be ruminating!



  1. You are too funny Lynn! I am your big fan! I will be checking your blog frequently to learn more about instructional design, pain and palliative care and to get a dose of laughter with your wonderful sense of humor!


  2. Hi Lynn,
    Looking forward to more ruminating! :-)
